Join The #FreshFormula with Jill Coleman: A FREE Live Online Business Workshop for Health/Fitness Pros Outlining EXACTLY What I'd Do If I Had to Start Over Today with Zero Audience

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  • EXACT DAILY TO-DO'S for building an audience from scratch and attracting the right potential clients
  • STEP-BY-STEP STRATEGY for social media, branding and how to set yourself apart in a sea of online trainers "saying the same thing"
  • WHAT TO FOCUS ON VS. WHAT DOESN'T MATTER: Outlining exactly what MATTERS at the beginning, where to focus FIRST and to continue implementing

It's Easy to Make Money When You Have Attention ... But What If You Don't?

When I started JillFit 12 years ago, as a blog, the online space was very different than it is today. While it felt like there was a lot of competition then, it was nowhere near as saturated as it is now.

And over the years, I've had clients say, "Okay Jill, that works for you because you have an audience! What about me? Is it hopeless? Did I just need to start years ago? HOW can I make it?"

Totally understand the frustration. And to be honest, yes, the best time to have started was years ago.


While there are seemingly more online coaches than ever, the amount of people LOOKING for and INVESTING in online coaching is the highest it's ever been, especially post-pandemic times! AND, there are more platforms, social media opportunities, innovation and more than there was 12 years ago.

And wanna know a little secret? Sometimes I dream that I was starting over today, ha!

There is so much opportunity, I fantasize about how FUN it would be to solve THIS puzzle (because truly, that's all online business is, is a puzzle) and start fresh with no audience, no email list, no body of work, etc.

So, I'm doin' it.

And I'd love for you to join me! I'll be teaching strategy, giving you short, actionable homework assignments and implementing right along with you. It's going to be a lot of fun!

And honestly, considering it's a free course, what's the risk? Join up and let's do this!



Here's How It Works:

The workshop is comprised of 3 sessions total, where I'll be helping you work through your social media strategy (how to reach potential clients), your coaching offer (what you'll sell) and exactly how to be positioning yourself to STAND OUT in an increasingly saturated online coaching market:

Training 1

Mindset + Messaging

Thursday, September 8th at 8:30pm EST/5:30pm PST: I'll be going over an overview of internet coaching and how it works: we'll be chatting how to get your mind right, identifying your niche client (who you help) and how you are different and will stand out online in a sea of seemingly similar trainers and messages.

Training 2

Social Media Strategy + Selling

Tuesday, September 13th at 8:30pm EST/5:30pm PST: We're getting tactical! I'll be sharing my exact social media strategy for newbies to the internet business space, including what exactly to post, how often to post, where to post and what to say in your posts for the most traction possible. We'll be setting you up to grow an audience.

Training 3

Making Money + Scaling

Thursday, September 15th at 8:30pm EST/5:30pm PST: Getting into WHAT TO SELL: what does your coaching offer look like? How do you know what to sell, who to sell to, HOW to sell so you don't come off salesy (yuck) and how to actually make money.

Private coaching with me

I'll be checking in with you daily

The way the course is set up, I'll be giving you short, actionable homework assignments and featuring accountability threads and check-ins so that you KEEP taking action. This course isn't about theory, it's about actual, tangible momentum for you.

Real Results

This will be the beginning of your successful online business

My goal for you is literally to start building your brand and making money. With a risk-free 10 days to get you started, I want you to get more done in 10 days than you have in the last 10 months. This is about momentum and real RESULTS, what's working now in 2022 and what will continue working beyond this year.

Hi, I'm Jill!

I'm the founder of JillFit and the creator of Fitness Business Accelerator (FBA), an in-depth 6-month mentorship for health/fitness coaches who are beginners to internet business.

Over the last decade at JillFit, I've made it my mission to help as many trainers and coaches quit the Fitness Hustle (you know it, split shifts, early mornings, late nights, training people for pennies) and move their services online to have more freedom and make money while they sleep.

When I started online, it was out of pure misery working 70-80 hours a week at the gym and always feeling in scarcity around money and clients. I started JillFit as a blog, but within18 months, we'd grown to a 6-figure online business with 5 coaches. Fast forward 8 years and JillFit has grown to a 7-figure-per-year business helping people all over the world get fit, live healthier and yes, build their online coaching business.

You're here because you want more options. You're sick of feeling stressed about money constantly and having your schedule dictated by clients, gym owners and group fitness classes. You want freedom, autonomy and additional revenues streams.

You want MORE. And you know you need to do something drastically different. Well, you're in the right place.

Join the free series and we'll see you on the other side!

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Frequently Asked Questions

Who is this for, exactly?

#FreshFormula is for beginners to internet business in the health/wellness space. If you are a personal trainer, group fitness instructor, health coach, nutrition consultant, RD, physician, Physical Therapist or anyone who works in-person with clients, and you want to learn how to take your services ONLINE ... this is for you. If you are not in the health/fitness space YET but eventually want to make the leap, join up, you'll learn a ton!

What if I can't make a live session? Will they be recorded?

All 3 live sessions will be recorded and sent out after the fact. BUT, I'm hoping that you will do your best to make as many of the sessions live as possible, as I'll be doing some in-real-time coaching, taking your questions and the discussion is always fire. Attending live is the most magical.

What's the catch? Are you selling something?

This 3-part workshop completely free and you are NOT hooked in to purchase anything! Honestly, I created this course because I wish it existed when I was starting out, and it's valued at over $500 (we will actually be selling this as a course after it's over). It's all my best tools for beginners and my goal for everyone enrolled is to FEEL LIKE THIS CAN REALLY DO THIS! You'll leave with clarity, direction and knowing exactly what to do and in what order to be successful.

That said, I will be extending an invitation to join me in FBA (Fitness Business Accelerator) for business mentorship, and as part of #FreshFormula, you'll get early and discounted access . It's obviously completely optional and I am literally the exact opposite of a pushy salesperson (remember, it's only a win-win if YOU are pumped too!) so I don't want you to get so nervous about "being sold" that you don't enroll in #FreshFormula. You are going to learn so much, that even if you decide not to enroll in FBA, you will still have the tools to go it alone if that's what you choose. Zero pressure either way.

What if I'm a more advanced online coach, will I benefit from this?

You definitely will! BUT, if you are already making a good amount of money online, have your coaching roster populated and are doing it mostly full-time, then I'd prefer you to reach out to me personally so we can talk about another place to put you if you are looking for business coaching. I have another option for more advanced business owners that is rolling out in January 2023 and you might be a better fit for that.

Any additional questions? Email me!

#FreshFormula is the education I wish existed when I got started online.

I'm putting all my best beginner tools in this program, 100% FREE. Let's do this.

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